Facility maintenance notification - Troy, MI

Finished Scheduled on 07/01/2018 18:00:00 Estimated finish 07/01/2018 20:00:00
Please note this activity is being performed by an external party and may impact your UBX services during the downtime window.

Floor(s)/ Suites(s): TYM2, 1st Floor, Data Room A, Data Room B, Data Room C

Start Date: 7/1/2018 1800h Eastern Daylight Time
End Date: 7/1/2018 2000h Eastern Daylight Time

Work Window: 2 Hours

Anticipated Service Disruption: 10-60 Minutes

Maintenance Type: Emergency Maintenance

Reason for Work: Emergency Firmware Upgrade

Affected Infrastructure: TYM2 CORE9

Be advised that customers at site TYM2 will experience an anticipated network service disruption of 10 minutes, but that the outage could be as long as 60 minutes. Customers not located within the TYM2 datacenter could experience service degradation as part of this maintenance.

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