Install Teamviewer

Get TeamViewer from the website

To use the full potential of TeamViewer, we recommend to download the TeamViewer full version from our website.

  1. Go 1
  2. Click the Download TeamViewer button 2
  3. Follow the instructions to save the setup file


Install TeamViewer on your device

After downloading TeamViewer, you can start the setup wizard.

  1. Run the setup file you have downloaded previousely
  2. Select Installation to access this computer remotely (unattended) 1 under How do you want to proceed?
  3. Under How do you want to use TeamViewer? select the option that suits you.
    • If you want to use TeamViewer commercially (for your Business), select Company / Commercial use 2
    • If you want to use TeamViewer with friends and family, select Personal / Non-commercial use 3
  4. Click Accept - finish 4 to start the installation.


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