Setting up Citrix Reciever and Configuring Cloud Desktop



Installation and Configuration for Citrix Receiver and Configuring Cloud Desktop


1. Navigate to in a web browser, then click Download Receiver.




2. Find the downloaded file in your browser and launch it. Make sure you agree to the terms and conditions, and follow the steps to complete the installation process.





Configuration and Logging on


3. Once the installation has completed, locate the Citrix Receiver icon on your PC and open it up. 

Enter the server address provided by your IT provider, which is:,

then click Add.





 4. Next you will be asked to enter your username and password, then choose Log On.




User-added image


Using Citrix Windows Receiver

5. Make sure to use a Google Chrome
browser or Firefox internet browser to get logged into your portal website. Enter
your cloud portal address as shown here:


6. When you are logging in on the portal website, make sure to use your
full email username and password as shown in the example below:




7. The Citrix receiver interface is now loaded, and all the resources can be seen from StoreFront. You can click FAVORITES to view your cloud desktops and apps you've added to FAVORITES.

When accessing your desktop you may be asked to type in the cloud
portal address once more, which was provided in step 5.





8.You can also view the assigned cloud desktops you have by clicking the DESKTOPS.




9. After clicking APPS, you can view all available applications.


 User-added image

10. Under DESKTOPS or FAVORITES (wherever you have saved your cloud desktop), to access your cloud portal, 
simply double-click your desktop icon, and a download will appear in your browser. 

 Once it is finished downloaded click on the file and you will be taken to the window of your cloud desktop. 

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